February 21 6:00 AM
The construction is complete in front of the Cheese Factory in Nampa. These stops are now open: E Franklin Rd & Star Rd NEM, and E Franklin Rd & N Robinson Rd SEC. The permanent blades are not up yet, so temp stops are placed.
The construction is complete in front of the Cheese Factory in Nampa. These stops are now open: E Franklin Rd & Star Rd NEM, and E Franklin Rd & N Robinson Rd SEC. The permanent blades are not up yet, so temp stops are placed.
Due to construction blocking the stop busses will not be servicing the Outbound stop at State and Ellens Ferry.
Due to revenue lane closed for construction on IB Ustick and Shamrock stop is closed, no temp stop placed.
Route 8 will be on detour from 2-18 to 3-7. AM Stop at HP, Stops on Meeker and Discovery near YMCA, and Discovery NWM stop in front of Burger King are closed no temp stop placed. Only two stops will be open: one at HP heading downtown and one on Discovery SWM stop. These two stops will be servicing AM and PM trips.
Due to detour, inbound stops at Capitol and University, Capitol and Cesar Chavez, and Capitol and River will be closed until further notice. Temporary stop will be placed at Capitol and Boise Ave.
Due to construction route will detour using University to Broadway. All inbound stops between on University and Main Street Station are closed. A temporary stop has been placed on Lincoln at University.
Due to construction both inbound routes 4 and 5 are on detour. From River, Left on 11th, Right on Myrtle, Left on Capitol. Stop at Capitol and River will be missed. No temp stops placed.
Due to construction on State and Pierce Park area both stops on inbound and outbound sides are closed and no temp stops.
Due to road closure on 8th Street OB route will be on detour from 5th Street to Fort Street. Stop on 8th and Franklin will be closed, no temp stop placed. Please go to next open stop to catch route 10.
For the outbound routes 2, 16 and 17 stop on Main and 3rd is closed for long term, please use stop on Main and 1st. Thank you.
Due to road construction, route 16 is on detour. Stops on 1st/Idaho and 1st/Bannock will be closed, use stop on Main and 1st.
While Boise’s growth is exciting, it also brings a unique set of traffic and congestion challenges. Park & Ride routes help you avoid limited parking and congested roadways in high-density areas. It’s a pretty straightforward system: a parking garage and/or lot is used as a location for commuters’ vehicles while they use a bus, vanpools, carpools, or other transportation services to finish their commute.
Here are the park-and-ride lots in the Treasure Valley that are served by transit, along with their corresponding bus route:
Towne Square Mall
By Dillard’s
Routes 4, 5, 7, 21, 24, 28, 29, 42, 45
Elder Street Park & Ride
Elder Street & Vista Avenue
Route 3
Saxton & Gary Park & Ride
W Saxton Dr. and N Gary Ln.
Routes 9,21
Fred Meyer on Overland
Overland and Clear Creek
Route 42
Jefferson Middle School
3311 10th Avenue
Routes 150
Happy Day Transit Center
5807 Cleveland Blvd.
Routes 40, 42, 150
Ten Mile
Overland Road & Ten Mile Road
Routes 40, 42
Lowe’s on Overland
Overland Road and Black Marlin
Routes 40, 42
College of Western Idaho
Terra Linda Way
Routes 42, 150
Karcher Mall Park and Ride
1509 Nampa Caldwell Blvd.
Routes 42, 150